Excitation of theNa(3p)Level byHIons andH0Atoms

Cross sections are reported for the excitation of Na atoms from the ground level to the 3p level by 1-25-keV incident H ions or H0 atoms. The cross section for excitation by incident H rises from 1.4×1015 cm2 at 1 keV to a maximum of 3.8×1015 cm2 at 15 keV and then falls to 3.6×1015 cm2 at 25 keV. The cross section for excitation by H0 falls from 1.3×1015 cm2 at 1 keV to 2.7×1016 cm2 at 25 keV. These cross sections are compared with previously measured cross sections for excitation of Na by protons and electrons.