Lens regeneration was inhibited in adult Triturus v. with 1500 r of x‐irradiation. Implants of irradiated or unirradiated segments of dorsal iris were then implanted into either irradiated or unirradiated eyes. When irradiated eyes received irradiated implants, only minor degrees of lens regeneration were seen from host and implant. Unirradiated eyes receiving unirradiated implants often formed two normal lenses, one from the host and one from the implant. Irradiated eyes receiving unirradiated implants usually formed one normal regenerate arising from the implant. Unirradiated eyes receiving irradiated implants usually formed only one normal regenerate, originating from the host. The results indicate that inhibition of lens regeneration by x‐irradiation is due to effects solely on the iris, and that unirradiated neural retina, under the experimental conditions used, does not stimulate recovery of the regenerative ability of an irradiated iris. These results are discussed in relation to the question of neural‐tissue‐mediated recovery of regeneration systems from x‐irradiation.