Acoustic Behavior of the Jahn-Teller Ion Ni3+ in Al2O3

We have measured the attenuation of 100- and 260-Mc/sec longitudinal acoustic waves in αAl2O3 (corundum) containing a few ppm of Ni3+, and have compared our data with previous measurements at 2 Mc/sec. The attenuation as a function of temperature shows a relaxation-type behavior with a peak at 12°K for 100-Mc/sec waves and 14°K for 260-Mc/sec waves. From our data we can deduce a temperature-dependent relaxation time τ which is in reasonably good agreement with the relaxation time for the dynamic Jahn-Teller effect as observed in spin resonance. Above 12°K, we find τ=5×1014e130T sec, the form expected for a thermal-activation process. At low temperatures, τ varies approximately linearly with temperature, as expected for phonon-assisted tunneling. Unexplained deviations from theory are observed below about 6°K at 2 Mc/sec, but we find no evidence for resonant absorption of acoustic phonons.