Activation of Classical Complement Pathway by Naturally Occurring Heteroantibodies in Normal Rabbit Serum. Effect on Subpopulations of Human Lymphoid Cells

Heteroantibodies present in normal rabbit serum (NRS) are toxic to human B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and monocytes. Even NRS, which exhibits little back ground cytotoxicity for human lymphoid cells in conventional HLA or B‐cell lymphocytotoxic assays, can be shown to contain considerable activity by making two modifications in usual procedures: by washing cells in saline or balanced salt solutions devoid of protein or sugar substances, and by increasing incubation time from 1 h to 3–4h. Using such modifications, the cytotoxic activity of NRS towards human lymphoid cells was investigated and was found to involve activation of the classical complement pathway rather than activation of the alternate complement pathway. Residual unwanted background cytotoxicity of NRS toward human lymphoid cells can be decreased without loss of desired complement activity either by heating NRS for 15 min at 50° C or by mixing NRS with small amounts of normal human serum.