Hybridomas producing human monoclonal antibodies against varicella‐zoster virus

Hybridomas producing human monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against varicella-zoster virus (VZV) were generated by fusing human splenic lymphocytes with mouse myeloma cells. Before cell fusion, lymphocytes were stimulated in vitro with viral antigens and pokeweed mitogen. This combination synergistically increased the generation of VZV-specific hybridomas. Five established hybridomas have been stably producing mAb for at least 9 months. These mAb, designated V1, V2, V6, V8 and V9, were of the IgG1λ isotype. They bound to all 6 tested VZV strains but not to other herpes viruses, with the exception that V1 bound to herpes simplex virus (HSV) as well as VZV. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that V1, V6 and V9 recognized glycoprotein gpII, whereas V2 and V8 recognized gpI. In addition, V1 reacted with the gB glycoprotein of HSV. All these mAb neutralized viral infectivity. The neutralizations by V2 and V8 were more effective and more complement dependent than those by V1, V6 and V9. Immunofluorescence tests revealed that all these mAb bound to the surface membrane of VZV-infected cells. These results suggest that cell fusion between in vitro stimulated lymphocytes and mouse myeloma cells is a reliable method for the generation of hybridomas capable of stable production of human mAb. The human mAb thus developed may provide a new means of passive immunization of humans against VZV infection.