PARABOLA III: A sphere‐scanning radiometer for field determination of surface anisotropic reflectance functions

The Portable Apparatus for Rapid Acquisition of Bidirectional Observation of the Land and Atmosphere III (PARABOLA III) is a sphere‐scanning radiometer. The original PARABOLA was built to study the relationship between surface morphology and reflected radiation properties. Follow‐on work led to the design of an improved radiometer, the PARABOLA III. This in‐situ sensor will be used to validate surface reflectances at angles measured by the Multi‐angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR), a global imager flown on the Earth Observing System (EOS)‐Terra orbital spacecraft. Derived PARABOLA III data products include the surface bidirectional reflectance factor, and sky and surface radiances for the upward and downward viewing hemispheres. This paper describes the design, calibration, and operation of the JPL PARABOLA III.