Energy Levels ofPd104Populated by theβ−-Decay of 43-secRh104gand 4.41-minRh104m

The β decay of 43-sec and 4.41-min Rh104 has been investigated with a high-resolution Ge (Li) detector. In addition to the 16 γ rays reported earlier, we have observed three new γ rays of energies, 839.90, 1264.84, and 1689.1 keV. We have identified the γ rays belonging to the 43-sec and 4.41-min decays. With the help of Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) two-parameter coincidence measurements, all 19 of the γ rays assigned to the Rh104 decay have been fitted into 11 excited states of Pd104 at 555.81, 1323.59, 1333.58, 1341.68, 1792.86, 1793.83, 1820.65, 2082.38, 2181.58, 2244.9, and 2265.31 keV and one excited state in Ru104 at 358.12 keV. The energy levels at 1323.59, 1333.58, 1341.68, and 1792.86 keV have been assigned unique spin values of 4, 0, 2, 0, respectively, from the results of NaI-Ge(Li) directional-correlation measurements.