Coulomb Excitation of Medium-Weight Even-Even Nuclei

The yields of gamma rays resulting from Coulomb excitation have been measured for twenty-nine even-even medium weight nuclei (92<~A<~130). The projectiles used for effecting Coulomb excitation were variable-energy protons (1.5 to 3.3 Mev) and doubly-ionized helium ions (8 to 10 Mev). In the most favorable cases the absolute γ-ray yields are determined to an accuracy of ±4%. The reduced electric quadrupole transition probabilities, B(E2), are determined to an accuracy of ±7% in favorable cases. For the least favorable case the accuracy is ±20%. The observed values for B(E2) are larger than the single particle estimate by factors ranging from 6 to 64. The transition rates in the even-even tin isotopes are larger than the single particle estimate by a factor of 13. A strong correlation is found between the B(E2) and the inverse of the γ-ray energy for transitions with moderately large values for B(E2). The transitions are interpreted in terms of the collective vibrational model. The mass parameters obtained show remarkably little variation and are approximately 10 times the irrotational flow estimate.