The purpose of this investigation was to examine the role of somatostatin (SRIF) and electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamic-medial forebrain bundle (LH-MFB) on dynamics of pulsatile GH secretion in freely behaving, chronically cannulated male rats with implanted brain electrodes. The effects of administration of anti-SRIF serum (AS-SRIF) on pulsatile GH and on TSH and PRL secretion was also studied. The results are: 1) circulating AS-SRIF increases trough levels of GH in freely behaving rats but has no significant effect on the amplitude of GH secretory bursts or mean GH levels; 2) LHMFB excitation can stimulate GH release if delivered when circulating GH levels are low; 3) LH-MFB stimulation inhibits secretion of GH if given at the time of a spontaneous GH burst; 4) stimulation-induced GH inhibition is prevented by pretreatment with AS-SRIF, suggesting that this response is mediated by endogenous SRIF; and 5) AS-SRIF increases TSH secretion but has no effect on PRL. These results provide evid nce to support the hypothesis that pituitary GH secretion is regulated by a combination of excitatory and inhibitory influences, the inhibitory component of which is mediated by SRIF.