The loss of tissue mass in human has been conventionally treated as an irreversible change. Treatments have emaphesized repalcement of the missing function by use of a transparent, an autograft, tissue synthesize in vitro or, mst commanly, by use of engineering deviced based on biomaterials. During the last few years solid progress has been made in the area of tissue and organ regeneratioin. This new approach is based on the discovery that certain simple chemiaal analouges of extraculler matpices synthesized by graft copolymerization of a glycosaminoglycan onto type 1 collagen can induced sylthesis of physiologic tissue in lesion which otherwise heal spontaneousely by synthesis of scar host tissue. However, regration in the adult mammal has been sucessfully demonstrated so far only in skin (human, guinea pig), scitic nerve(rat) and the inee menisaus (dog).