Public Health Laboratory Service IgM antibody capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detecting rubella specific IgM.

A total of 468 sera were selected for the evaluation of the Public Health Laboratory Service''s IgM antibody capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit (MACELISA) for detecting rubella specific IgM. The results obtained were compared with those obtained by IgM antibody capture radioimmunoassay (MACRIA). Sera from patients with primary postnatal rubella, congenital rubella, remote rubella, infectious mononucleosis, and recent infection with other agents were included, in addition to sera taken after rubella immunisation and sera containing rheumatoid factor and rubella specific IgG antibody. The assay exhibited a similar ability and comparable specificity to MACRIA for detecting rubella specific IgM antibody. The Public Health Laboratory Service MACELISA can be recommended if, as for all assays that detect rubella specific IgM, all the available clinical and serological data are taken into account when the results are interpreted.