Transport and superconducting properties of theMg32(Al,Zn)49-type quasicrystalline and crystalline phases

We have investigated the transport and superconducting properties of the Mg32(Al,Zn)49-type icosahedral (I) and Frank-Kasper (FK) phases. All measurements were performed on single-phase samples. The I and FK phases of Al52.4 Cu12.6 Mg35 are superconducting below 0.81 and 0.73 K, respectively. Their electronic densities of states at the Fermi energy were obtained from upper-critical-field measurements. The I phase has (1) a higher low-temperature (4.2 K) resistivity of ≊58 μΩ cm compared with ≊23 μΩ cm for the FK phase and (2) a lower renormalized density of states of ≊0.52 states/eV?om versus ≊0.89 states/eV?om for the FK phase. The results are discussed with respect to theoretical models. Fitting magnetoresistance data of the I phase to localization theory gives a spin-orbit scattering time of ≊5×1012 sec and an inelastic scattering time inversely proportional to T2. The resistivities of the I and FK phases of Al20.2 Zn40.3 Mg39.5 are also measured, and superconductivity is not detected down to ≊0.3 K. The transport properties of these icosahedral quasicrystals are compared with other I-phase alloys containing d valence electrons.