Two cultivars of cotton (Gossypium spp) were grown in solution culture in a glasshouse to determine phytotoxicity effects of excesses of Cr and Li. The 10‐4 M Cr2(SO4)3 resulted in leaf yield reduction of 83% and in leaf, stem and root concentrations respectively of 22, 15, and 410 μg Cr/g with the Acala SJ‐2 cv. With the Giza 68 cv. the same level of Cr resulted in leaf yield reduction of 88% and in 19, 47, and 450 μg Cr/g for leaf, stem and roots respectively. The Cr resulted in many mineral interactions. The 104M Li2SO4 resulted in very little if any yield reductions in either cv. Plant Li concentrations were 40, 8, and 10 and 45, 10 and 5 for leaf, stem and root for Acala SJ‐2 and Giza 68 respectively. Both cultivars tolerated Li equally well.