The micropropagation of watercress(Rorippa nasturtium-aquatic umL.)

All stages of watercress micropropagation were demonstrated with high rates of success. Shoot cultures were multiplied in vitro by using nodes on media without plant growth regulators. The numbers of nodes and dry weights of plantlets produced were evaluated when grown on media containing 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1,2 or 4% sucrose. Node multiplication rates of up to 40 fold per 4-week culture period were achieved with 2% sucrose and 0.25 MS, but some shoots became vitrified. Multiplication rates were also shown to be influenced by the type of propagule used (shoot tip, single node, twornode) and position the propagule (distal, proximal) was taken from the plantlet growing in vitro. Propagules consisting of two nodes were successfully established (99%) in vivo by rooting directly in a 50:50 mixture of vermiculite and compost. The culture medium from which the propagules were derived influenced the dry weight and number of nodes of the in vivo-established plants.