Mineral Balances of Men and Women Consuming High Fiber Diets With Complex or Simple Carbohydrate

Calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc balances of 20 men, 19 premenopausal women, and 12 postmenopausal women were determined while they consumed self-selected diets or high fiber diets with either complex or simple carbohydrate. Self-selected intakes of calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc were generally below RDA levels. Iron intakes of premenopausal women were less than two-thirds RDA. Balances during the self-selected intake period of calcium in men and women and of magnesium and zinc in women were negative, but lower-than-usual intakes could have contributed to this. High fiber diets did not adversely affect zinc, copper, manganese or iron balances. Calcium and magnesium balances were generally negative, especially in women, even though intakes were adequate. Excretion of copper was increased in premenopausal women consuming the simple carbohydrate diet. The levels of magnesium and especially calcium needed to maintain balance when consuming a high fiber diet may be above present RDA levels.