Aluminum (Al) is toxic to plants at pH < 5.0 and can begin to inhibit root growth within 3 h in solution experiments. The mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. Disruption of calcium (Ca) uptake by Al has long been considered a possible cause of toxicity, and recent work with wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Thell) has demonstrated that Ca uptake at the root apex in an Al-sensitive cultivar (Scout 66) was inhibited more than in a tolerant cultivar (Atlas 66) (J.W. Huang, J.E. Shaff, D.L. Grunes, L.V. Kochian [1992] Plant Physiol 98: 230–)237). We investigated this interaction further in wheat by measuring root growth and Ca uptake in three separate pairs of near-isogenic lines within which plants exhibit differential sensitivity to Al. The vibrating calcium-selective microelectrode technique was used to estimate net Ca uptake at the root apex of 6-d-old seedlings. Following the addition of 20 or 50 [mu]M AlCl3, exchange of Ca for Al in the root apoplasm caused a net Ca efflux from the root for up to 10 min. After 40 min of exposure to 50 [mu]M Al, cell wall exchange had ceased, and Ca uptake in the Al-sensitive plants of the near-isogenic lines was inhibited, whereas in the tolerant plants it was either unaffected or stimulated. This provides a general correlation between the inhibition of growth by Al and the reduction in Ca influx and adds some support to the hypothesis that a Ca/Al interaction may be involved in the primary mechanism of Al toxicity in roots. In some treatments, however, Al was able to inhibit root growth significantly without affecting net Ca influx. This suggests that the correlation between inhibition of Ca uptake and the reduction in root growth may not be a mechanistic association. The inhibition of Ca uptake by Al is discussed, and we speculate about possible mechanisms of tolerance.