Minimum Alveolar Concentrations and Oil/Gas Partition Coefficients of Four Anesthetic Isomers

The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of 4 structural isomers having the empirical formula C3H2F5C1O was determined in dogs. MAC for 3 of the 4 isomers (including isoflurane, enflurane and the Hoechst compound) ranged from 1.41-2.67 (volumes per cent at 1 atm pressure). The olive oil/gas partition coefficients at C for the isomers ranged from 90.8-96.6. MAC for the 4th isomer, compound 485, was 12.53% atm. The oil/gas partition coefficient for compound 485 was 25.8. Isomer 485, despite its high MAC, does not deviate strikingly from the established correlation between anesthetic potency and lipid solubility.