X-ray fine structure of dense plasma in a co-axial accelerator

The intensity of X-ray sources in a focused deuterium plasma produced by a coaxial accelerator has been analysed as a function of position, X-ray energy and time of emission. The X-ray source in the axial region can be resolved (by micro- densitometer readings on X-ray pinhole camera films) as a sequence of small sources (linear dimension ∼ 0.1–0.3 mm) of hard radiation ≳ 2 ke V inside a more diffused source (cylindrical region of 1–4mm diameter) of softer X-rays. In each discharge the point sources are distributed for the most part in the general axial region of the discharge and two or more sources with different radial positions can be frequently observed for one specific value of the axial co-ordinate. Images of localized X-ray sources are also observed in the off-axis halo region. Multiple repinching of the axial plasma column or emission from metal-vapour clouds (by anode bombardment) can be ruled out in this experiment (hollow central electrode, or anode, radius 3·4 cm). The source multiplicity can be related to a complex (filamentary) structure of the plasma.