Root tips of Crepis spp. are fixed in La Cour''s "2BE" and dehydrated through a butyl alcohol series. They are stained in 1% crystal violet for 1 hr., with chromic acid and iodine as pre- and post-staining mordants, respectively, and passed through dehydrating alcohols containing picric acid and NH4OH. Differentiation is done in clove oil. The method is rapid; the chromosomes are dark purple; the centromere is not stained; and the cytoplasm is clear. By further controlled destaining the hetero-chromatic segments within the chromosomes may be located. Pollen mother cells are fixed in acetic alcohol (14) and squashed in aceto-carmine. A method is desc. for making semi-permanent prepns. mounted in diaphane. Pollen grains are mounted in lacto-phenol with acid fuchsin or anilin blue W.S. as the dye.