Interactions between Ground State Oxygen Atoms and Molecules: O–O and O2–O2

Potential energy curves for O–O interactions corresponding to the X 3Σg−, 1Δg, 1Σg+, 3Δu, A 3Σu+, 1Σu−, and B 3Σu− states of O2 have been calculated from spectroscopic data by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method. Curves for the remaining twelve states of O2 dissociating to ground state atoms have been obtained from relations derived from approximate quantum-mechanical calculations, and checked against the meager experimental information available. Two semi-independent calculations have been made, and are in good agreement with each other. The quantum-mechanical relations also lead to an approximate O2–O2 interaction, which is consistent with interactions derived from vibrational relaxation times and from high-temperature gas viscosity data.

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