Serotyping Cryptococcus neoformans by immunofluorescence

Four serotypes of Cryptococcus neoformans designated A, B, C, and D are currently recognized. Although an agglutination test is most often used to serotype C. neoformans in cultures, this test is not appropriate for typing the fungus in fixed tissues. A study to prepare fluorescent-antibody reagents for typing C. neoformans in cultures and to determine whether they can be used to type this fungus in fixed tissues was carried out. Antisera to one strain belonging to each of the four serotypes were prepared in rabbits by intravenous injection of whole Formalin-killed cryptococci. Each antiserum was labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate and then adsorbed with cells of each of the heterologous serotypes. The adsorbed conjugates were then tested against six serotype A isolates and five isolates of each of the other three serotypes. Labeled serotype A or D antiserum adsorbed with either B or C cells stained the A and D, but not the B or C, isolates. Labeled serotype B antiserum adsorbed with A cells stained the B and C, but not the A or D, isolates. Labeled A antiserum absorbed with D cells differentiated A from D; labeled C antiserum absorbed with B cells differentiated C from B. Of the 21 test isolates, 17 could be serotyped in paraffin sections of tissues of experimentally infected mice.