Basic Control Characteristics of Novel Schottky In-Plane and Wrap Gate Structures Studied by Simulation and Transport Measurements in GaAs and InGaAs Quantum Wires

To clarify the control properties of Schottky in-plane gates (IPGs) and Schottky wrap-gates (WPGs) recently employed in the high-temperature operation of compound semiconductor single electron devices, computer simulations and transport measurements were carried out for gated quantum wires (QWRs). Both types of QWRs showed clear Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. Non-linear Landau plots confirmed gate-controlled 1D transport in the QWRs. In the GaAs IPG QWR, the effective wire width was found to change linearly with gate bias, whereas this was not observed in the InGaAs WPG QWR. These gate control behaviors are in excellent agreement with theory. Near pinch-off, clear conductance oscillation was seen in both QWRs.