Evidence for a genetic duplication involving alcohol dehydrogenase genes inCeratitis capitata

AnAdh duplication is described in the medflyCeratitis capitata. Evidence is presented for two separateAdh 1 andAdh 2 structural loci mapping at a distance of 0.49 recombination unit from each other. By deletion mapping theAdh region has been cytologically located near the free end of the left arm of the second chromosome within an area between 2C;3A segments of the polytene chromosome. The genetic analysis of the region aroundAdh has identified seven neighboring genes (Acon 1,Mpi, Est 6,Aox, Xdh, Mdh 2,Lsp I) which identify the linkage group D. The orientation of loci with regard to the centromere sets the origin of the map of the left arm of the second chromosome close to the twoAdh loci.