Recoil range distributions of heavy mass products in deep inelastic reactions with gold and uranium targets

Recoil range distributions have been measured for the elements between lutetium (Z=71) and astatine (Z=85) produced in heavy ion reactions of 420, 491, and 581 MeVKr86 with Au197, 686 MeV Kr86 with U238, and 868 MeV Xe136 with Au197; the relative yields were established by use of x-ray spectrometry. These elements have been identified in radioanalytical mass distribution studies and kinematic studies as deep inelastic and quasielastic transfer reaction products. For the uranium target reactions they form the mass distribution colloquially referred to as the "gold finger." The measured recoil range distributions for the gold target reactions are correlated with energy and angular distribution measurements made on the projectile - like fragments formed in deep inelastic reactions.