Recoveries of Phenylalanine from Two Sets of Dried-Blood-Spot Reference Materials: Prediction from Hematocrit, Spot Volume, and Paper Matrix

Dried blood spots (DBSs) are used to screen newborns for phenylketonuria and other aminoacidopathies. The calibrators for this testing are usually DBSs with values for Phe. Two DBS reference materials have been prepared, the European Working Standard for Phe (EWS-Phe-01) (1) and the amino acid reference material (AARM) from the CDC (2). The two reference materials are not interchangeable because they differ in blood hematocrit, blood-spot size, and filter paper, each of which (3)(4)(5)(6) affects analyte recovery. We measured quantitatively the effects of these differences on analyte recovery from DBSs and used results from our measurements to predict expected Phe recoveries from tandem analyses of the two sets of materials.