Pectinolytic enzymes of anaerobic fungi

Pectinolytic enzymes of four rumen fungi have been described. Three fungal species were monocentric Neocallimastix spp. H15, JL3 and OC2, and one isolate was a polycentric strain of Orpinomyces joyonii, A4. They differed in degree of pectin degradation and utilization. Only the strain Neocallimastix sp. H15 and partially Orpinomyces joyonii A4 were able to utilize pectin to a higher extent. The most important pectinolytic activity in all these isolates represented pectin lyase (EC and polygalacturonase (EC Their specific activities were in the range of 100-900 and 10-450 micrograms galacturonic acid h-1 mg protein-1 for pectin lyase and polygalacturonase, respectively. Polygalacturonase, located mainly in the endocellular fraction, was inhibited by calcium ions and had the main pH optimum at pH 6.0. All strains produced pectate lyase (EC None of the strains tested produced pectinesterase (EC