Computed Tomography of Upper Aerodigestive Tract Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Assessment Following Induction Chemotherapy

• One hundred forty-seven previously untreated patients with stage III or IV upper aerodigestive tract squamous cell carcinomas were examined by computed tomography (CT) prior to treatment. Computed tomography was used to observe the tumor response in 72 patients receiving induction chemotherapy (100 mg/sq m of cisplatin on days 1 and 21 and 135 mg/sq m of bleomycin sulfate on days 3 through 10). The CT findings in ten patients were correlated with serial histologic examination of the operative specimens. Our study indicates that CT is useful in following tumor response to chemotherapy, provided the physician is aware of the limitations of scanning as outlined herein. (Arch Otolaryngol 1984;110:236-240)