This paper outlines new ways for separating the different channels of optical dephasing of molecules in beams. It is shown that both the population loss and the optical phase relaxation rates can be obtained under collisionless conditions (molecular beams). These dephasing rates, which measure directly the homogeneous width of the prepared resonance, can be obtained with an energy resolution of better than one part in 108. Under these conditions the solution of the density matrix equations of motion is given for effusive and nozzle beams which represent a statistically open ensemble. The results, which we applied to our recent measurements of optical T1 and T2, are discussed in different limits of power broadening, beam geometry, detector characteristics, temperature of the oven (or material container), and the transit time the molecules of different velocities spend in the laser beam. Furthermore, we indicate that the treatment of coherent transients in beams utilizing conventional Bloch equations is not valid since there is a loss of optically excited molecules. Finally, we discuss possible differences between small and large molecules when they undergo radiationless (or reactive) processes following the selective laser excitation (∼10 kHz–10 MHz).