Electric Resonance Spectroscopy of Hypersonic Molecular Beams

A hypersonic nozzle beam (Mach 19) of HCN molecules was studied by electric resonance spectroscopy. Translational temperatures of 4°K and rotational temperatures of 64± 30°K were found from a 283°K nozzle source. The monoenergetic character of the beam and the rotational cooling lead to an order of magnitude increase in signal‐to‐noise ratios. The absence of an appreciable velocity dispersion and a homogeneous radiation field allowed a critical comparison with theoretical two‐level resonance lineshapes. An SF6 diluent was used to reduce the beam velocity by one‐half and increase spectral resolution over a thermal (effusive) source. SF6 vibrational relaxation was observed. Chemically interesting species can be formed: ArXe, XeHCl, (HCl)2, (HCN)x, and (HF)x.