The anatomy of the secondary xylem of Nestegis cunninghamii (Hook. f.) L. Johnson, N. lanceolata (Hook.f.) L. Johnson, and N. montana (Hook.f.) L. Johnson is described. The woods are diffuse-porous with vessels arranged in radial or oblique pattern. Vessels have simple perforations, spiral thickening, and alternate or randomly arranged bordered pits. Pits to rays are bordered, and are smaller than intervascular pits. Vascular tracheids are present in all the species and have spiral thickening. Axial parenchyma is abundant, and is mainly initial. Rays are mainly heterogeneous types II and III; 1–4 cells wide. Multiseriate rays are more numerous than the uniseriate ones. Spindle-shaped crystals are present in axial parenchyma and rays. Fibres have thick to very thick walls. The microstructure of these species is similar and therefore it is not possible to separate individual species using secondary xylem features.

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