Fast firing of lead magnesium niobate at low temperature

A fast-firing technique for the sintering of lead magnesium niobate relaxor ceramics at relatively low temperature has been described. In this process, the samples containing excess PbO (up to 5 wt. %) are directly introduced into a furnace maintained at a temperature of 950 °C and kept there for 15–80 min, followed by a postsintering annealing treatment at 800 °C for 10 h. The importance of fast heating as well as annealing treatment has been justified. The sintered samples are near-phase-pure perovskite materials showing high bulk densities (>94%), uniform and dense microstructure, and satisfactory dielectric properties (Kmax > 13,000). The technique is simple and economic, does not require any controlled atmosphere, and minimizes hazards from lead volatilization.