Hyperfine structure of extremely high Rydberg msnd1D2,3D1,3D2and3D3series in odd alkaline-earth isotopes

The MQDT of hyperfine structure is greatly simplified in extremely high Rydberg states. A four (or three)-channel quantum defect model is derived for the hyperfine structure of extremely high Rydberg states of msnd configuration in odd alkaline-earth isotopes, in which the transformation matrix Ui(F)i' is given analytically except for one parameter which measures the mixing of singlet 1D2 and triple 3D2 induced by spin-orbit interaction in even isotopes, and in which the four eigen quantum defects mu i' (i'=1, 2, 3, 4) are related to the quantum defects of the fine structure in even isotopes by mu i'=mod( delta i'). This model has been used to interpret the observed sublevel structure of 5snd (n>100) configurations in 87Sr. An excellent agreement between the theoretical and experimental results was achieved.