The flight range of Culicoides variipennis was studied in a bluetongue virus enzootic area during the summer of 1977. Field-collected larvae and pupae were reared to the adult stage in a field laboratory. Approximately 82,200 flies were marked with micronized fluorescent dusts and released and 403 were recaptured in CO2-baited baffle traps. The maximum distance traveled was 0.8 km by a male and 4.0 km by a female. One female was recovered on the release night 2.8 km from the release point. The mean distance traveled (MDT) was 0.8 km on the release night, 2.02 km on one night postrelease, and 2.11 km on two nights postrelease. The MDT for all flies recovered up to eight nights postrelease was 1.89 km.Based on the overall MDT of 1.89 km, the transmission of a disease agent by C. variipennis becomes theoretically possible if the host population density is greater than one per 3.57 km2. The probability of transmission can be significantly reduced if a 3.57 km2 area surrounding a single C. variipennis breeding site is treated with an effective insecticide.