Alternating Drug Combinations in the Treatment of Advanced Hodgkin's Disease

Of 75 consecutive patients with Stage IV Hodgkin's disease, we assigned 38 to receive MOPP alone (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) and 37 to receive MOPP alternating monthly with ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine) — a combination of drugs not cross-resistant with MOPP. Complete remission was documented in 71 per cent of the patients receiving MOPP alone and in 92 per cent of those receiving the alternating regimen (P = 0.02). At five years, there was no progression of disease in 37 per cent of the MOPP group and in 70 per cent of the MOPP-plus-ABVD group (P<0.0001). After chemotherapy, the median relapse-free survival period was 20 months in the MOPP group and over 31 months in the MOPP-plus-ABVD group (P<0.01). Five-year survival with no evidence of disease was 84 per cent in patients given MOPP and ABVD and 54 per cent in those given MOPP alone (P<0.005). We conclude that alternating non-cross-resistant combinations appear promising in the management of advanced Hodgkin's disease and are worthy of trial in other malignant diseases. (N Engl J Med. 1982; 306:770–5.)