The growth factor requirements of strains of Salmonella typhisuis, S. abortusovis, S. fulica, S. paratyphi, A. S. pullorum, and S. gallinarum include the vitamins thiamin and nicotinic acid, and purifies adenine and guanine, and the amino acids cystine, methionine, leucine, threonine, histidine, arginine, and aspartic acid. The particular combination of these growth factors essential for each strain was determined and also the quantities of the vitamins and purines which are necessary for maximum growth. The growth-factor requirement of a particular Salmonella strain may vary from a single vitamin or amino acid to a complex of 2 vitamins, a purine, and several amino acids. The various purines are interchangeable to a considerable extent and the free bases are more active than the corresponding nucleosides or nucleotides. The significance of growth factor requirements for the isolation of members of the genus Salmonella is discussed.