Remodelling of Trabecular Bone at the Proximal Tibia after Total Knee Replacement. A CT-Scan Study

Five patients were examined by quantitative computed X-ray tomography of the proximal tibia immediately after total knee joint replacement, and examinations were repeated after 6 to 26 months. The relative attenuation coefficient derived from the digital images was transformed to compressive yield strength according to earlier work (Bentzen et al., 1985a). Significant deviations from the normal distribution of bone strength were noted at the first examination with high strength medially in varus knees and laterally in valgus knees, and low bone strength at the unloaded condyle. After six months these abnormalities had changed towards a more normal pattern, bone strength being reduced where it had been high at the time of operation and slightly increased where it had been low. One tibia showed no signs of remodelling.