Nonequilibrium neutrino statistical mechanics in the expanding Universe

We study neutrino decoupling in the early Universe (tsec,TMeV) by integrating the Boltzmann equations that govern the neutrino phase-space distribution functions. In particular, we compute the distortions in the νe and νμντ phase-space distributions that arise in the standard cosmology due to e± annihilations. These distortions are nonthermal, with the effective neutrino temperature increasing with neutrino momentum, approaching a 0.7% increase for electron neutrinos and a 0.3% increase for μ and τ neutrinos at the highest neutrino momenta, and correspond to an increase in the energy density of νe's of about 1.2% and in the energy density of νμντ's of about 0.5% (roughly one additional relic neutrino per cm3 per species). The distortion for electron neutrinos is larger than that for μ and τ neutrinos because electron neutrinos couple to e±'s through both charged- and neutral-current interactions. Our results graphically illustrate that neutrino decoupling is a continuous process which is momentum dependent. Because of subtle cancellations, these distortions lead to only a tiny change in the predicted primordial He4 abundance, ΔY12×104.