Fabrication of High Tc 2223 (Bi, Pb)SrCaCuO Single-Phase Films by Single-Target RF Magnetron Sputtering and Postannealing

Single-phase 2223 Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconducting films with T czero above 100 K were reproducibly obtainable by single-target (Bi20Pb3Sr16Ca25Cu36O z ) rf magnetron sputtering on (100) MgO and postannealing. During annealing, the films were placed face-down on top of bulk material with different Pb contents. It was found that the optimal conditions for the annealing of 600-nm-thick films to obtain the aingle 2223 phase were 845°C for 12 to 14 hours on top of bulk Bi19.5Pb3.5Sr22Ca22Cu33O z bulk. The thinner the film was, the shorter was the optimal annealing time, at the expense of broadened T c transition.