Activation and partial characterization of a human reticulocyte heme-dependent elF-Z α kinase

An inhibitor of globin translation initiation that is activated under heme‐deficient conditions and whose activity is associated with phosphorylation of the 38,000 dalton (α) subunit of the initiation factor eIF‐2 has been previously described in rabbit reticulocytes. We describe here an analogous enzyme in human reticulocytes. The human enzyme can be activated in intact reticulocytes under conditions of heme synthesis inhibition or by incubation of lysates in the absence of hemin. Addition of hemin to lysates prevents activation of the eIF‐2 a kinase. The partially purified kinase is associated with inhibition of globin synthesis in a rabbit cell‐free system and phosphorylates the small subunit of highly purified rabbit eIF‐2. We conclude that human reticulocytes contain a protein kinase that is analogous to the rabbit HCR and that may play a role in clinical heme deficiency states.