Ultrastructure of Bacilli and the Bacillary Origin of the Macrophagic Inclusions in Whipple's Disease

An electron microscopic and cytochemical study of the Whipple bacillus in jejunal biopsies from three untreated patients was made using fixation procedures developed for the satisfactory preservation of bacterial ultrastructure. The envelopes of the normal-looking bacilli present free in the lamina propria consisted of the following layers, (i) A cytoplasmic membrane with a triple-layered profile and a mean thickness (peak-to-peak distance) of 6.08 nm. (ii) A thick (20 nm) cell wall containing peptidoglycan; the wall had a hitherto undescribed inner layer that contained polysaccharides, possibly teichoic acids. (iii) Surrounding the cell wall, a surface membrane with a symmetric profile and a mean peak-to-peak distance of 4.74 nm. The ultrastructural pattern of the Whipple bacillus wall corresponds to that of Gram-positive bacteria, but with an additional surface membrane. This membrane is different from the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria because it has a symmetric profile, is thinner and has no periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive components.