Collective properties of the odd-mass Cs nuclei. I.Cs127,129,131,133

The high-spin states in the odd-mass Cs127133 have been investigated using the Sn120124(B10,3n) Cs127131, I127(α,2n)Cs129 and Te126130(Li6,3n)Cs129133 reactions, to study the collective properties of these Cs isotopes. In-beam measurements of γ-ray excitations, γγ coincidences, γ-ray angular distributions, and pulsed-beam—γ timing were performed with Ge(Li) detectors to establish the level schemes. Two collective features have been observed in these odd-mass Cs127133 nuclei: ΔJ=2 bands built on the 112(1h112 quasi-proton) states and on the 72+ (1g72 quasiproton) states. The systematics of these band structures in Cs127133, as well as in Cs119125, are presented and discussed in terms of the particle-plus-rotor and particle-plus-vibrator models.