Protein Expression in a Drosophila Model of Parkinson's Disease

Liquid chromatographies coupled to mass spectrometry and database analysis techniques are used to carry out a large-scale proteome characterization for a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. Semiquantitative analysis is performed on A30P α-synuclein expressing transgenic Drosophila and a control lacking the gene at presymptomatic, early, and advanced disease stages. Changes in gene expression at the level of the proteome are compared with changes reported from published transcriptome measurements. A summary of the comparison indicates that ∼44% of transcripts that show changes can also be observed as proteins. However, the patterns of change in protein expression vary substantially compared with the patterns of change observed for corresponding transcripts. In addition, the expression changes of many genes are observed for only transcripts or proteins. Proteome measurements provide evidence for dysregulation of a group of proteins associated with the actin cytoskeleton and mitochondrion at presymptomatic and early disease stages that may presage the development of later symptoms. Overall, the proteome measurements provide a view of gene expression that is highly complementary to the insights obtained from the transcriptome. Keywords: Parkinson's disease • Drosophila • α-synuclein • proteomics • liquid chromatography • mass spectrometry