Metabolism of thymoxamine I. Studies with14C-thymoxamine in rats

Thymoxamine is rapidly and completely absorbed in rats. It is a prodrug which does not enter the systemic circulation in its unchanged form. After either oral or intravenous administration it undergoes rapid and intense metabolism involving four biotransformation reactions: 1. enzymatic hydrolysis to the corresponding phenol (metabolite I), 2. monodemethylation to metabolite II, 3. sulfate conjugation of I and II (metabolites III and IV) and 4. conjugation of I and II with glucuronic acid (metabolites V and VI). With these 6 metabolites identified approximately 95% of the radioactivity can be accounted for in plasma, urine and bile. Whereas the systemic availability of I and II is low, III and IV show high bioavailability. Metabolites I to IV are pharmacologically active, while III a n d IV are less potent than I and II. The radioactivity distribution in tissues is different after oral and intravenous administration consistent with the higher portion of unconjugated metabolites in the body after administration by parenteral route. Although 60% of the labelled compounds is eliminated via bile, the radioactive compounds are almost completely excreted in the urine after both routes of administration. This demonstrates complete reabsorption of the biliary metabolites. Secondary peaks of radioactivity in plasma and organs at 4 hours are explained by the participation of the metabolites in the enterohepatic circulation.