Fluctuations and correlations in a diffusion-reaction system: Unified description of internal fluctuations and external noise

The one-dimensional single-species diffusion-limited-coagulation process with irreversible random particle input (AA+A reversibly and BA irreversibly), under the influence of external fluctuations in the system parameters, is formulated in terms of a closed and linear partial-differential equation. Our theoretical treatment includes both internal fluctuations and external noise simultaneously and without approximation, allowing investigation of the interplay of their effects on the macroscopic behavior of this diffusion-reaction system. For the reversible model with the rate of the AA+A reaction fluctuating between two values as a Markov stochastic process, we solve the system exactly. We observe that spatially homogeneous macroscopic fluctuations in the system parameters can induce microscopic spatial correlations in the nonequilibrium steady state. Direct Monte Carlo simulations of the microscopic dynamics are presented, confirming the theoretical analysis and directly illustrating the external-noise-induced spatial correlations.