Injection of "N" Mycoplasma isolates from the air sac, oviduct, or semen of turkeys into "N"-free poults resulted in airsacculitis indistinguishable from that in natural field cases. Sinusitis was not produced by these isolates. At 21 days postinoculation, 25 of 35 poults inoculated with "N" type had airsacculitis, 26 yielded the homologous organism from their air sacs, and 24 gave positive reaction to the "N" antigen. A type of Mycoplasma designated "8" produced an airsacculitis quite different from that produced by "N" Mycoplasma. Macroscopic air-sac lesions with "N" appeared as diffuse thickenings with yellow purulent to caseous exudates. Those produced by the "8" type were focal areas of thickening with no exudate. Sternal bursitis was observed in some of the poults regardless of the Mycoplasma strain inoculated; both "N" and "8" Mycoplasma were recovered from such lesions.

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