The Population Age Structure of Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) in Montana

Spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa Lam. # CENMA) communities were sampled to determine the relationship between age and the number of root rings, and the population age structure. Spotted knapweed taproots add one ring of secondary xylem annually. In 1984, populations were expanding with high densities of individuals in the early age classes, followed by a steady decline in the older classes. In 1985, the majority of the individuals in knapweed populations were in the older age classes. This change in the population age structure was attributed to high mortality among the young age classes due to a drought in 1985. The maximum age class at the sites ranged from 5 to 9 yr. The percentage of plants with floral stalks increased with age to a peak of 75% in the fifth year in 1984 and in the seventh year in 1985.