Exact amplitude ratio and finite-size corrections for theM×Nsquare lattice Ising model

Let f,U, and C represent, respectively, the free energy, the internal energy, and the specific heat of the critical Ising model on the M×N square lattice with periodic boundary conditions, and f represents f for fixed M/N and N. We find that f,U, and C can be written as N(ff)=i=1f2i1/N2i1,U=2+i=1u2i1/N2i1, and C=8lnN/π+i=0ci/Ni, i.e., Nf and U are odd functions of N1. We also find that u2i1/c2i1=1/2 and u2i/c2i=0 for 1<~i< and obtain closed form expressions for f,U, and C up to orders 1/N5,1/N5, and 1/N3, respectively, which implies an analytic equation for c5.