Congener profile of polychlorinated/brominated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans in soil and sediments collected at a former chlor‐alkali plant

Soil and sediments collected at a former chlor‐alkali plant in coastal Georgia (United States), revealed the presence of PCDF concentrations as great as 82.3 ng/g, dry wt. PCDF congener profile in soil was typical of “chlorine pattern”; with elevated proportions of OCDF and HpCDF. Concentrations of PCDFs declined gradually by 44‐fold at a distance of about 500 m along the contamination gradient. Of PCDDs/DFs, 2,3,7,8‐substituted PCDFs accounted for 94–98% of the TCDD‐like activity, which declined by 25‐fold, corresponding with the reduction of total PCDF concentrations. Concentrations of PCDDs in sediments were as great as 17 ng/g, with an elevated contribution from OCDD. The magnitude of decline in PCDD concentrations with distance from the source was less pronounced than that for PCDFs. PBDDs and PBDFs were not detected. Polybrominated biphenyl ether (PBBE) and monobromo‐heptachloro dibenzo‐p‐dioxins and dibenzofurans (PXDDs/DFs) were found, though, at low concentrations. Their spatial distribution was similar to those of PCDDs.

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