Chicken reticulocyte nuclear antigen: its identification and relation to transcriptive activity in erythropoietic cells

Antibodies to chicken reticulocyte dehistonized chromatin were produced. These antibodies can distinguish between chromatin from reticulocytes and erythrocytes and have no activity with chicken liver chromatin. The antibodies will also differentiate between reticulocytes and erythrocytes by the horseradish peroxidase bridge localization technique. The nonhistone protein components of the antigenic complex are very tightly bound to the DNA, removable by extraction with sodium dodecyl sulfate but not 2.5 M NaCl-5 M urea. The antigen complexes could actually be present in reticulocytes, and erythrocytes but chromatin condensation may cause a structural masking of the complexes which coincides with the known decline in transcriptive activity of the erythrocyte.