Textural and calorimetric investigations on a homologous series of mesogenic azocompounds complexed with palladium(II)

A comparative study of some mesogenic azobenzene compounds and their organometallic palladium(II) derivatives is reported. On the basis of the textural properties, calorimetric data and uniaxial order parameters (as deduced approximately from infrared spectroscopy), the main features induced by palladium complexation are (i) the transition temperatures increase, (ii) the number of ordered mesophases increases, (iii) the nematic uniaxial order parameter decreases, (iv) the textures are typical of highly ordered phases, and (v) an optical biaxiality appears in the nematic phase. The calorimetric data as well as the order parameters, if discussed in terms of molecular biaxiality result are interpreted at least qualitatively. Optical investigations show that macroscopical biaxial ordering can be achieved.